Outspoken liberal Chinese magazine Yanhuang Chunqiu threatens to sue state organisation over editorial appointments
《炎黄春秋》编辑部遭强行改组 原社长或提刑事诉讼
South China Morning Post, July 21, 2016
EN: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/1992776/outspoken-liberal-chinese-magazine-yanhuang-chunqiu
CH: http://www.nanzao.com/sc/national/1560cb6d2b518b9/yan-huang-chun-qiu-bian-ji-bu-zao-qiang-hang-gai-zu-yuan-she-chang-huo-ti-xing-shi-su-song
专访杜导正:不能重蹈《南方周末》的覆辙 (Interview with Du Daozheng: Don’t commit the same error as with “Southern Weekly”)
Deutsche Welle, July 21, 2016
Formal arrest issued for leader of Wukan “democracy” village after 28 days of protests
Hong Kong Free Press, July 22, 2016