The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Monday, January 06, 2020

Access to Justice (司法公正)

維權律師郝勁松涉尋釁滋事被拘 (Human Rights lawyer Hao Jinsong detained following series of "Xiamen meeting" arrests)
Ming Pao, January 6, 2020

‘Disloyal and two-faced’ Chinese provincial boss accused of ignoring Xi Jinping’s orders facing prosecution
South China Morning Post, January 4, 2020

中国规定对缓刑罪犯电子定位不可超过3个月 (China passes new law that specifies maximum 3-months GPS tracking on criminals with suspended sentences)
Radio Free Asia, January 3, 2020

Access to Information (信息公开)

《少年的你》:中共才是人民唯一信仰?現實主義題材淪為大型政宣片 (The bumpy road for "Better Days" in China: Urban realist films turned into propaganda tool)
The News Lens, January 5, 2020

中國運動員挪威受訓 要求下架法輪功書籍遭拒 (Local library in Norway rejects demand from China's skiing team to remove Falun Gong-related books)
Ming Pao, January 5, 2020

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

【流亡台灣】支援逃亡抗爭者 收集前線物資 台灣牧師黃春生:天國無林鄭份 (Heaven will not welcome Carrie Lam: Interview with Taiwanese pastor providing aid to Hong Kong protesters who fled across the strait)
Stand News, January 6, 2020

Government Accountability (政府问责)

A Mysterious Virus in Central China Has Infected Dozens, Raising Fears of a New Epidemic. Here's What to Know
TIME, January 6, 2020

Wuhan-linked pneumonia cases in HK double after 8 more reported
Eji Insight, January 6, 2020

武漢「不明原因肺炎」排除SARS,2003年後中國建立了怎樣的監測體系?(Causes unknown in pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan: What monitoring system did China establish after Sars in 2003?)
The Initium, January 6, 2020

China’s new urban dwellers really still live in the countryside, study says
South China Morning Post, January 6, 2020

New coach says China men's football players must be ready to fight
Sina, January 6, 2020

How Zimbabwe’s new parliament symbolises China’s chequebook diplomacy approach to Africa
South China Morning Post, January 5, 2020

The real reason China wants peace in Afghanistan
South China Morning Post, January 4, 2020

The Netherlands’ New Year greeting did not go down well in China
Quartz, January 3, 2020

Taiwan Passes Anti-Infiltration Act Ahead of Election Amid Opposition Protests
The Diplomat, January 3, 2020

疑受中国政府压力 藏传佛教“菩提学会”解散 (Buddhist group in Tibet disbanded, followers suspect pressure from Chinese government)
Radio Free Asia, January 3, 2020

China’s Secret Weapon Abroad: Tourists
The Nation, January 3, 2020

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Former Google Executive Blasts Company on China
Bloomberg, January 3, 2020

谷歌前高管:谷歌背弃“不作恶”与中国沙特合作 (Google's former head of international relations blasts company for abandoning "don't be evil" motto in working with China)
Radio France Internationale, January 3, 2020

Hong Kong (香港)

China Replaces Its Top Representative in Hong Kong With an Enforcer
The New York Times, January 4, 2020

New chief of China's HK liaison office hopes city returns to 'right path'
Channel NewsAsia, January 6, 2020

US photography professor who covered ongoing protests barred from Hong Kong
Hong Kong Free Press, January 6, 2020

Taiwan election is make or break for fleeing Hong Kong protesters
Reuters, January 5, 2020

Dozens held in Hong Kong after violence at parallel trading march
The Guardian, January 5, 2020

【上水和你行】民主黨譴責警方擅自宣布遊行結束 毫無警告下圍捕市民 (Democratic Party condemns police for termination of peaceful march just 20 minutes in, arbitrary arrests made without warning)
Ming Pao, January 5, 2020

警上水「和你行」突襲圍捕拘42人 稱:上咗年紀嘅,唔好搞 (Police arrest 42 in "sudden attack" on peaceful march in Sheung Shui), January 5, 2020

Britain proposed to boost Hong Kong’s autonomy after return to Chinese rule in 1997 through de facto constitutional court, files show
South China Morning Post, January 6, 2020

Hong Kong teacher suspended for classroom tirade against ‘cockroach’ protesters
South China Morning Post, January 4, 2020

Senior part-time Hong Kong police officer suspended over suspected leaking of protest operational plans on New Year’s Eve
South China Morning Post, January 3, 2020

Hong Kong police identify officer linked to shooting that left foreign journalist blind in one eye, but refuse to release name
South China Morning Post, January 3, 2020

辯方6度去信索文件不果 官命令案件主管站立 斥:警方永遠拖到最後 (Magistrate slams prosecution for gross delay after police refuse to provide necessary documents after six requests), January 3, 2020

Hong Kong Considers the Future: ‘If You Can Afford It, Leave’
The New York Times, January 3, 2020

Commentary (评论)

When will Hong Kong get back to normal? There is no ‘normal’ to get back to
Hong Kong Free Press, January 5, 2020

Is your photo album subversive? How border phone checks are intimidating visitors to China
Hong Kong Free Press, January 5, 2020

國際慈善機構,請站在香港人及普世價值的一方 (International charities, please stand by Hong Kongers and universal values)
Stand News, January 5, 2020

Arrests over protest fundraising are just part of Hong Kong’s criminalisation of political dissent
Hong Kong Free Press, January 4, 2020

As China’s internet giants expand their global reach, they bring Chinese censorship to the world
South China Morning Post, January 4, 2020