The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

International Relations (Security, Trade and Investment), 国际关系(安全,贸易和投资)

China offers hospital ship to the Philippines
The New York Times, November 19, 2013

美国驻华大使骆家辉突然宣布明年初离职 (U.S. Ambassador to China, Gary Locke, suddenly announces departure early 2014)
Radio France Internationale, November 20, 2013

Full text: Gary Locke's statement
South China Morning Post, November 20, 2013

U.S. Ambassador to China to step down next year
Voice of America, November 20, 2013

Related Tencent Weibo posts:
作家崔成浩, November 20, 2013 【骆家辉大使在中国受尽委屈所以申请辞职】①坐经济舱来上任,被经济周刊主编田俊荣说是贪污剩下的差旅费;②不坐头等舱被芮成钢嘲讽欠中国钱所以才坐经济舱;③用优惠卷排队买咖啡被环球时报警告别作秀好好当大使;④平民作风被北京日报当头棒喝要求公布财产;⑤低调务实被光明日报说是新殖民主义应警惕。("Ambassador Locke resigns after being 'wronged' in China": 5 instances of official media attacking Locke for being a regular guy)

解密哥, November 20, 2013 【别了,骆家辉】骆家辉要回美国了,不管他是以什么原因离开中国,估计全国官员都会长出一口气——麻烦终于要走了。有明珠在侧,假装"为人民服务"的官员们日夜坐卧不安,一颗明珠映衬出一堆垃圾!骆家辉在中国,是一堆垃圾中的明珠,形成强烈对比。他带给中国人的震撼,远超美国的航母编队!(Gary Locke is going back to the U.S. Regardless of the reason for his departure, I imagine officials nationwide are sighing relief—the problem is finally going away. Against the pearl, the officials who pretend to “serve the people” can’t be at peace. Locke in China is like a pearl in a pile of garbage—there is a sharp contrast. The shock he gave to the Chinese people is far more powerful than the U.S. aircraft carrier fleet!)