许志永上诉: 若不纠正,莫谈法治 (Xu Zhiyong appeals: If original verdict is not corrected, no point in talking about rule of law)
Deutsche Welle, February 10, 2014
See appeal:
Xu Zhiyong Appeals: Spare Any Talk about Rule of Law in China If the Second Instance Does Not Correct the Decision by the First Instance
China Change, February 8, 2014
EN: http://chinachange.org/2014/02/08/xu-zhiyong-appeals-spare-any-talk-about-rule-of-law-in-china-if-the-second-instance-does-not-correct-the-decision-by-the-first-instance/
CH: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XqeUtUzchMoNZsxhFoKfPppuTs1OvcAERI6IlgSlztU/edit?pli=1
Chinese dissident lands at Cato Institute with a caution to colleges
The New York Times, February 9, 2014
Activists converge on eastern Chinese city
Associated Press, February 7, 2014
薛明凯失踪五天料被当局控制 异议人士呼吁关注 (Xue Mingkai thought to be in authorities’ control after missing for 5 days, dissidents urge attention to his case)
Radio Free Asia, February 10, 2014
Supporters call for investigation into death of Chinese activist’s father
The New York Times, February 7, 2014
For more information on Xue Mingkai, see:
Family rejects authorities’ report of suicide by democracy activist’s father
Human Rights in China, February 3, 2014
EN: www.hrichina.org/en/press-work/hric-bulletin/family-rejects-authorities-report-suicide-democracy-activists-father
CH: www.hrichina.org/chs/xin-wen-gong-zuo/zhong-guo-ren-quan-jian-xun/xie-ming-kai-ju-jue-jie-shou-jing-fang-guan-yu-qi-fu