中国明确5月起禁越级上访 信访60日内须办结 (New regulations effective in May require petitioners to follow gov't hierarchy, mandate resolution within 60 days)
Beijing News, April 24, 2014
See regulations:
国家信访局《关于进一步规范信访事项受理办理程序引导来访人依法逐级走访的办法》全文 (Full text of the State Bureau of Letters and Visits' "Regulations Concerning the Further Standardization of the Reception and Processing of Letters and Visits to Channel Visitors to Submit Their Petitions in an Ascending Order of Government Hierarchy in Accordance with the Law")
People's Daily, April 23, 2014 Related:
Beijing bans petitioners seeking redress from appealing directly to higher authorities
South China Morning Post, April 23, 2014