陕西一镇政府建5800平米豪华办公楼 仅43名干部 (Shaanxi county gov’t builds luxurious 5,800-square-meters office building for 43 cadres)
China News, October 11, 2014
郴州村干部3年挥霍公款150万 泡脚、泡澡约4.3万 (Hunan village cadre misused 1.5 million in public funds in 3 years, spent RMB 43,000 on spa treatments)
Voice of China Online, October 13, 2014
全国首次集中查处6484名“走读干部” (China investigates and punishes 6484 cadres nationwide who live in urban homes while posted in grassroots units)
People’s Daily, October 13, 2014