北京大扫荡:至少二十名维权律师被抓捕或失联 (Crackdown in Beijing: At least 20 rights-defense lawyers picked up or dropped out of contact)
Boxun News, July 10, 2015
Chinese authorities appear to detain 4 human rights lawyers
New York Times, July 10, 2015
China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group calls urgent attention to the disappearance of rights lawyer Ms. Wang Yu and her family and the subsequent disappearances of her colleagues
China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group, July 10, 2015
http://www.chrlawyers.hk/en/content/china-human-rights-lawyers-concern-group-calls-urgent-attention-disappearance-rights-lawyer@chrlcg 聽說王全璋也失聯了?
— Hang Tung Chow (@zouxingtong) July 10, 2015