Managers of Chinese state-owned enterprise building US$3.8b African railway fined for bribery
South China Morning Post, October 2, 2015
福建陈夏影案三人获国家赔偿537万 (Three in the Fujian Chen Xiaying case get 5.37m RMB in state compensation)
Lawcourt Evening News, October 1, 2015
焦点对话:高深莫测,盘点习近平核心团队 (“Focus Dialogue”: Unfathomable—Taking Stock of Xi Jinping’s Inner Circle)
Voice of America, October 2, 2015
Xi Jingping's inner circle offers cold shoulder to western officials
the New York Times, September 25, 2015
中纪委机关报:“四种形态”并非放缓反腐节奏 (Central Discipline Inspection Report: "Four Patterns" do not necessarily slow down the anti-corruption tempo) [The “Four Patterns” refer to a state of discipline that the CPC should aim to achieve: conduct frequent criticism and self-criticism; make light punishments the great majority of cases; reduce serious violations and heavy punishment to minimum; reduce serious violations that warrant criminal investigation to extreme minimum]
Pengpai News, October 1, 2015