Hero or traitor? Student leader Billy Fung receives mixed reactions for HKU Council leak
Hong Kong Free Press, October 2, 2015
港大三屆校董會學生代表聲明:無形之手欲蓋彌彰 百年校譽毀於一旦 (Three generations’ HKU Council student representatives issue statement: “Invisible hand” no longer under veil, institution’s century-old reputation ruined in one day)
InMedia HK, October 1, 2015
http://www.inmediahk.net/node/1037855【任命風波】任建峰促盧寵茂反省:不要埋沒良知 破壞港大自主 ([Appointment scandal] Progressive Lawyers Group convener Kevin Yam urges HKU Council member Lo Chung Mau to reflect on himself: Don’t bury your conscience and destroy HKU’s autonomy)
Meme HK, October 2, 2015
http://news.memehk.com/posts/1101018專業團體發表聯合聲明譴責港大校委會否決委任陳文敏 (18 professional organizations issue joint statement to condemn HKU Council’s rejection of Johannes Chan)
AM730, October 2, 2015
http://www.am730.com.hk/fresh/article/12986馬斐森重申會維護港大學術自由 (HKU Vice Chancellor Peter Mathieson reiterates determination to protect HKU academic freedom)
Now, October 2, 2015
http://news.now.com/home/local/player?newsId=152973&home=1The future of autonomy in Hong Kong
China File, September 30, 2015
Standing down: Hong Kong lawmaker Ip Kwok-him, strategist in botched political reform vote, will not seek re-election
South China Morning Post, October 2, 2015