官媒指张六毛“武装暴动” 家属死不见尸殡仪馆抗议 (Chinese state media: Zhang Liumao was planning a “armed insurrection,” family protests being prevented from viewing his body at funeral parlor)
Radio Free Asia, November 7, 2015
广东警方摧毁一个企图制造爆炸危害公共安全的犯罪团伙(Guangdong police stop criminal gang attempting to create an explosion to endanger public security)
Xinhua, November 6, 2015
http://news.xinhuanet.com/legal/2015-11/06/c_1117067986.htm中国镇压维权律师人数持续增加 至少300人受影响 (China continues crack down on human rights lawyers, over 300 affected)
Voice of America, November 7, 2015
http://www.voachinese.com/content/voa-news-chinese-lawyers-20151106/3044230.htmlMass Crackdown on Chinese Lawyers and Defenders
Human Rights in China, October 30, 2015
EN: http://www.hrichina.org/en/mass-crackdown-chinese-lawyers-and-defenders
CH: http://hrichina.org/chs/zhong-guo-da-gui-mo-zhen-ya-wei-quan-lu-shi-he-huo-yue-ren-shi