中纪委:党员自己花钱奢靡享乐也要管 (CCDI: We will also handle Party members who spend their own money lavishly)
Legal Daily, November 19, 2015
中国环保监测和监察权集中化背后的逻辑 (The logic behind China’s environmental protection monitoring and its centralized approach)
Financial Times, November 20, 2015
Interrogation chairs “padded for comfort”, claims Chinese official as Beijing denies torturing or holding political prisoners
联合国防酷刑审议 中:无政治犯 审讯椅有垫 很多施刑者被诉
South China Morning Post, November 19, 2015
EN: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/1880506/interrogation-chairs-padded-comfort-claims-chinese
CH: http://www.nanzao.com/sc/national/15123ced9ab2922/lian-he-guo-fang-ku-xing-shen-yi-zhong-wu-zheng-zhi-fan-shen-xun-yi-you-dian-hen-duo-shi-xing-zhe-bei-su
China doesn't torture? Family of Zhang Liumao says don't believe it.
The Christian Science Monitor, November 19, 2015
http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Asia-Pacific/2015/1119/China-doesn-t-torture-Family-of-Zhang-Liumao-says-don-t-believe-itStark Contrast in China’s UN Torture Review: Pointed Questions, Non-responsive Answers
Human Rights in China, November 18, 2015