Swedish police join Thai search for missing Hong Kong bookseller
The Guardian, January 29, 2016
Hong Kong's establishment strikes back at protesting students
Radio Free Asia, January 28, 2016
【回應李國章】梁家傑:李言論無事實基礎 與梁麗幗僅FB朋友 (Alan Leong in response to Arthur Li: Li’s statements not based on facts, he himself is only Facebook friend with Yvonne Leung, committee member for HKU strike)
Mingpao, January 29, 2016
http://news.mingpao.com/ins/instantnews/web_tc/article/20160129/s00001/1454034204010 環時社評:港大嚴重政治化致國際排名跌損學生就業
Mingpao, January 29, 2016
《十年:自焚者》導演周冠威:電影講中社會難以言喻的荒謬引共鳴 (Director of film “Ten Years|Self-immolator” Chow Kwun Wai: The nondescribable ridiculousness evoked in the film inspires resonance)
Mingpao, January 29, 2016
回應《環時》狠批《十年》 總導演周冠威:不恐懼 更無懼 (General director of Hong Kong film “Ten Years” Chow Kwun Wai responds to Global Times’s acute criticisms: Not afraid, even more fearless)
HK01, January 22, 2016
http://www.hk01.com/新聞/3759/回應-環時-狠批-十年-總導演周冠威-不恐懼-更無懼 Imagining Hong Kong’s future, under China’s tightening grasp
The New York Times, January 29, 2016
http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/30/world/asia/hong-kong-ten-years.html Dark vision of Hong Kong’s future proves surprise box office hit
Hong Kong Economic Journal, January 22, 2016