Why China’s clampdown on Ren Zhiqiang matters
Hong Kong Free Press, March 14, 2016
How can we resolve the conflicts in Hong Kong and ensure “one country, two systems” thrives?
South China Morning Post, March 16, 2016
Hong Kong and Taiwan: The future of Chinese democracy
The Diplomat, March 16, 2016
誰是媒體?誰是記者? 從網媒的採訪權談起 (Who are media? Who are journalists? Speaking from the Internet media’s right to newsgathering)
Ming Pao, March 17, 2016
Hong Kong’s pan-democrats must unite in battle for survival ahead of key legislative election
香港立法会选举乃关键一战 泛民为生存必须团结
South China Morning Post, March 17, 2016
EN: http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/1922900/hong-kongs-pan-democrats-must-unite-battle-survival-ahead
CH: http://www.nanzao.com/sc/hk-macau-tw/1537f170b5d1521/xiang-gang-li-fa-hui-xuan-ju-nai-guan-jian-yi-zhan-fan-min-wei-sheng-cun-bi-xu-tuan-jie
黎廣德:高鐵失控 議會失效 泛民失策 (Albert Lai: XRL loses control, Council loses function, pan-dems lose strategies)
Ming Pao, March 15, 2016