全国首起大气污染公益诉讼案一审宣判 (Company found guilty for excessive emissions in nation's first public interest atmospheric pollution case)
Global Times, July 21, 2016
博罗公安非法刑拘打假人作出国家赔偿 (Boluo county, Guangdong police issue state compensation and apology after unlawful detention of counterfeiters)
China Quality News, July 18, 2016
山东强力推进专项立案监督活动, 省检察院挂牌督办13起案件 (Shandong rigorously promotes specialist case filing supervision activities, provincial procuratorate commences supervision and handling of 13 cases)
Procuratorate Daily, July 21, 2016
China to shut churches in G20 host city on safety grounds—reports
The Guardian, July 22, 2016