The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Hong Kong (香港)

“System upgrade”? China visa suspended for foreign visitors entering Guangdong via Hong Kong
South China Morning Post, August 11, 2016

港大逾六成學生支持港獨大公報斥等同鼓吹殺人強姦 (Over 60% of HKU students support Hong Kong independence in a school publication survey—pro-Beijing newspaper Takungpao denounces the “abuse of freedom of speech” on this matter by comparing it with advocating murder and rape)
Radio France Internationale, August 12, 2016中國/20160812-港大逾六成學生支持港獨大公報斥等同鼓吹殺人強姦

【港獨爭拗】環時斥《學苑》教唆與內地玉石俱焚 引港律師指言論犯刑事應檢控 ([Dispute over Hong Kong independence] Global Times denounces HKUSU publication Undergrad for instigating Hong Kong independence “at all cost”, quotes a Hong Kong lawyer’s opinion to claim it as a criminal offence to be charged)
Ming Pao, August 12, 2016

【里約奧運】本土派旺角直播中港賽事 大公報:直播藏「獨」心,「撐自己人」是別有用心 ([Rio Olympic Games] Localists organize live broadcast of Hong Kong-China competition in Mongkok—pro-Beijing newspaper Takungpao claims the activity as a covert advocacy for Hong Kong independence, “support our own people” slogan has ulterior motive)
Ming Pao, August 12, 2016