The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Friday, December 02, 2016

Government Accountability (政府问责)

【短片】死刑處決21年後 枉死青年聶樹斌姦殺案終改判無罪 父:兒子終可瞑目了 ([Video] 21 years after execution of death sentence, wrongfully accused and killed young man Nie Shubin announced innocent)
Ming Pao, December 2, 2016

聶樹斌案平反: 網絡指任何歌功頌德都是可恥的 (Nie Shubin case redressed: Netizens slam various state media outlets’ glorification of China’s advancement in judiciary)
Radio France Internationale, December 2, 2016中國/20161202-聶樹斌案平反-網絡指任何歌功頌德都是可恥的

China's top graft-buster tells party members to give up the ghosts
Reuters, December 1, 2016

China’s second most powerful man warns of dissent and corruption in the Communist Party
Quartz, December 2, 2016