Localist duo “confident” Hong Kong’s highest court will hear their appeal over oath row
Hong Kong Free Press, December 14, 2016
香港立法會宣誓風波:梁頌恆游蕙禎決定上訴終審法院 (Oath-taking row: Leung and Yau to take their case to the Court of Final Appeal)
British Broadcasting Corporation, December 14, 2016
港媒問:張曉明去了哪? (Hong Kong media asks: Where is Zhang Xiaoming, the director of the Liaison Office?)
Radio France Internationale, December 14, 2016
政府辦回歸20周年海報設計及短片比賽 加強市民對港歸屬感 (Hong Kong government organizes “Poster design and video competitions in celebration of HKSAR's 20th anniversary” to strengthen citizens’ sense of belonging)
Ming Pao, December 14, 2016
民陣元旦遊行「反釋法、撤覆核、我要真普選」 盼傘後專業團體參與 (Civil Human Rights Front organizes New Year’s Day march protesting NPC interpretation of Basic Law, calling for withdrawal of legal challenge to lawmakers’ oath-taking and demanding for “genuine universal suffrage,” hoping more post-Umbrella professional groups will join)
Ming Pao, December 14, 2016
Lesson for Trump in Hong Kong: try to bounce China at your peril
The Financial Times, December 12, 2016