郭洪伟曝光酷刑遭报复吐血 担架上见家属 (Jinlin activist Guo Hongwei allegedly beaten in prison for exposing his torture, in critical condition)
Radio Free Asia, February 16, 2017
Announcement of the establishment of the China Anti-Torture Alliance (中国反酷刑联盟正式成立)
China Anti-Torture Alliance, February 7, 2017 (Chinese)
China Change, February 16, 2017 (English)
Lawyers for rights activists in China increasingly persecuted, report says
South China Morning Post, February 16, 2017
Courts urged to better serve ethnic people
China Daily, February 17, 2017
內地校園暴力犯罪處罰輕? 公安部擬將行政拘留從16歲降至14歲 (Is the punishment for school violence too lenient on the mainland? Ministry of Public Security to lower minimum age for administrative detention from 16 to 14)
Hong Kong 01, February 17, 2017
公安部关于《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法(修订公开征求意见稿)》公开征求意见的公告 (Ministry of Public Security notice regarding solicitation of comments on “Public Security Administrative Punishments Law (Draft Revisions for Solicitation of Public Comments)”)
The Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China, January 16, 2017 (Chinese)
China Law Translate, January 17, 2017 (English)
CH: http://www.mps.gov.cn/n2254536/n4904355/c5604357/content.html
EN: http://bit.ly/2ky3zND