The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Monday, April 03, 2017

Access to Justice (司法公正)

河南公安促江天勇认罪再出新招 江父母被警录制视频劝子认罪 (New “strategy” by Henan public security officers to get Jiang Tianyong to confess: Jiang’s parents videotaped by police convincing their son to confess)
Radio Free Asia, April 1, 2017

挪威首相下周訪華 劉霞恐「被旅遊」(Norway prime minister to visit China, wife of activist Liu Xiaobo, Liu Xia may “be travelled”)
Mingpao, April 2, 2017

港台学运领袖呼吁“特习会”勿忘人权议题 (Leaders of student movement from Hong Kong and Taiwan urge Trump not to ignore human rights issues in his coming meeting with Xi Jinping)
Deutsche Welle, April 2, 2017港台学运领袖呼吁特习会勿忘人权议题/a-38255431

Missing Taiwan NGO worker's wife travels to Beijing to rescue him
Global Voices, April 2, 2017

李明哲之妻:我要赴京"救夫" (Wife of Li Ming-che: I will go to Beijing to “save my husband”)
Deutsche Welle, March 31, 2017李明哲之妻我要赴京救夫/a-38241648

Professor detained in China returns to Australia
Voice of America, April 2, 2017

返抵澳大利亚 冯崇义:秘密问讯经历“远不算有趣” (Feng Chongyi returns to Australia: Secret questioning was “far from interesting”)
British Broadcasting Corporation, April 2, 2017

陈云飞祭六四后判囚4年 笑称判刑太轻要上诉 (Chen Yunfei sentenced to 4-years imprisonment for commemorating June Fourth, he jokes that he will appeal because sentence too lenient)
Radio France Internationale, April 1, 2017中国/20170401-陈云飞祭六四后判囚4年-笑称判刑太轻要上诉

Chen Yunfei’s closing statement before the court
China Change, March 31, 2017