The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Hong Kong (香港)

大專學界聯署聲明:支持港人對港獨可自由發聲 捍衛言論及學術自由 (HK academia sign statement in support of freedom of speech and academic freedom)
Inmediahk, September 21, 2017

中大學生會指移除「香港獨立」橫額不代表屈服於校方 (CUHK student union: removal of HK independence banners does not mean it gives in to the university)
Radio Television Hong Kong, September 21, 2017

管理層WhatsApp洩閉路電視截圖 公署指教大侵私隱 (Education University management leaks CCTV screen capture of CCTV footage through WhatsApp; Privacy Commissioner says the University invades students’ privacy)
Apple Daily, September 20, 2017

Last Hong Kong governor: Talk to each other, but avoid hate speech over political views
Hong Kong Free Press, September 19, 2017

彭定康:黃之鋒遭覆核刑期屬政治決定 (Chris Patten: it is a political decision to appeal sentences of Joshua Wong), September 19, 2017

Speaking of independence is getting harder for Hong Kongers
Global Voices, September 20, 2017

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam lashes out at UK politicians for “disrespectful” comments on jailing of activist trio
South China Morning Post, September 21, 2017

Activists march to Law Society HQ protesting lawmaker Junius Ho’s call to “kill” independence advocates
Hong Kong Free Press, September 21, 2017

團體遊行抗議何君堯早前「殺無赦」言論 要求公開道歉 (HK groups demonstrate against Junius Ho’s “kill mercilessly” comment and demand apology)
Radio Television Hong Kong, September 20, 2017

被問「殺無赦」言論 何君堯稱是不幸用字 (Junius Ho on his comment of “kill mercilessly”: unfortunate word choice)
Radio Television Hong Kong, September 20, 2017