The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Access to Justice (司法公正)

国际特赦组织:新疆大举拘捕热比娅的亲戚 (Amnesty International says Xinjiang arrests relatives of Uyghur leader Rebiya Kadeer en masse)
Voice of America, November 15, 2017

Amnesty says China detains 30 relatives of exiled Uyghur leader
Reuters, November 14, 2017

王宇律师夫妇将控告当局剥夺儿子出境权 (Rights lawyer couple to sue authority for depriving son’s right to leave China)
Radio Free Asia, November 14, 2017

China lawyer Wang Yu's son “depressed” after police halt overseas study trip
Radio Free Asia, November 14, 2017

Chinese songwriter formally arrested for song about late Liu Xiaobo
Radio Free Asia, November 14, 2017

余文生就2014年因涉嫌“支持香港占中”被抓捕酷刑,起诉恶警冯盛名、韩超刑讯逼供被驳回案向最高检等部门控告一、二审法官徇私枉法、枉法裁判 (Rights lawyer Yu Wensheng takes 2014 police torture case to the Supreme People's Procuratorate and other departments)
Weiquanwang, November 14, 2017

拒付工人工资 包工头被判刑 (Contractor gets suspended sentence after failed to pay construction workers)
People’s Court Daily, November 14, 2017

司法部住房城乡建设部部署开展律师参与城市管理执法工作 (MOJ branch engages lawyers to enforce urban management laws)
Ministry of Justice, November 14, 2017

最高法审委会会议审议原则通过行政诉讼法解释 (The Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court reviews and in principle passes Interpretation of Administrative Procedure Law)
Supreme People’s Court, November 13, 2017