中国维权律师被逮捕 外界质疑蓄意报复 (Rights lawyer Li Yuhan formally arrested for “picking quarrels and provoking troubles”)
Voice of America, November 16, 2017
哈萨克歌星兄长被捕 广播电台编辑被刑拘已半年 (Xinjiang arrests brother of Kazakh star singer and criminally detains radio news editor for 6 months who receives money from Kazakhstan relative)
Radio Free Asia, November 15, 2017
刑满未自由 “广州三君子”之一袁新亭出狱后失联 (Guangzhou-based rights defender Yuan Xinting finishes prison term but remains incommunicado)
Radio Free Asia, November 15, 2017
880多万人次上最高法失信“黑名单” (Supreme People’s Court: over 8.8 million people blacklisted for poor credit)
Legal Daily, November 15, 2017