上海公民近日上街举牌强烈呼吁中共政权释放全国政治犯 (Citizens in Shanghai hold placards on street demanding release of political prisoners)
Weiquanwang, November 22, 2017
陕西民代幼教师300多人到省教育厅上访维权 (Over 300 teachers in Shaanxi petition at provincial education authority for fair treatment and respect)
Weiquanwang, November 21, 2017
Xi calls on NGOs along Silk Road to enhance cooperation
首届丝绸之路沿线民间组织合作网络论坛在北京开幕 习近平致贺信
Xinhua News Agency, November 21, 2017
EN: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-11/21/c_136768804.htm
CH: http://news.xinhuanet.com/2017-11/21/c_1121988513.htm