The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Access to Justice (司法公正)

求自由获救抵美 李爱杰誓为夫发声 (Li Aijie, rights defender Zhang Haitao’s wife, arrives in US for freedom and vows to speak for husband)
Radio Free Asia, December 28, 2017

劉曉波62歲冥誕 諾貝爾獎twitter發帖悼念 (Nobel Prize tweets in memory of Liu Xiaobo’s 62nd birthday)
Mingpao, December 28, 2017

外交部:不了解劉霞行蹤和情況但知她目前自由 (MFA says it doesn't know Liu Xia’s whereabouts but claims she has freedom)
Radio Television Hong Kong, December 28, 2017

被判免於刑事處罰 謝陽:一場荒誕離奇的審判 (Rights lawyer Xie Yang, avoided criminal punishment, calls his trial ridiculous and bizarre)
Radio Television Hong Kong, December 28, 2017

最高检:2016年来共批准逮捕幼儿园工作人员侵害儿童案件69人 (Supreme People's Procuratorate claims it has approved 69 arrests of kindergarten workers for child abuse since January 2016)
The Beijing News, December 28, 2017

法官法首次大修:法官任职要求提高,曾参阅14国相关法条 (Drastic revision to Judges Law raises bar for judges to qualify)
People's Court Daily, December 28, 2017

China chides US, German embassies after call for release of activist
Reuters, December 28, 2017