為何「低端人口」不反抗? (Why don’t “low-end population” fight back?)
Mingpao, December 7, 2017
中国强推煤改气惹民怨,为什么环保与温暖不可兼得? (China turns away from coal to gas, but why do environment protection and supply of heat go against each other)
The Initium, December 6, 2017
China and Germany: So far, yet so close
The Diplomat, December 6, 2017
Amnesty International: China: detained rights lawyer further ill-treated: Li Yuhan (国际特赦组织:李昱函律師獄中遭受進一步虐待)
Amnesty International, December 5, 2017
EN: https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/asa17/7546/2017/en/
CH: https://zh.amnesty.org/more-resources/detained-rights-lawyer-further-ill-treated/