周远案当事人获赔191万:对结果持保留态度 将申诉 (Zhou Yuan receives 1,910,000 yuan of state compensation after spending 20 years in prison for crimes he didn’t commit, and he pledges to appeal to the supreme court)
Xinhua News Agency, January 31, 2018
700人联署声援余文生 国际特赦紧急呼吁 (700 sign petition calling for release of rights lawyer Yu Wensheng, as Amnesty International issues emergency statement)
Radio Free Asia, January 30, 2018
甘肃临夏农民工讨薪事件: 张成义被刑事拘留 律师会见未果 (Migrant worker representative barred from meeting with lawyer after being criminally detained in Gansu for “not paying wages” while the developer remains at large)
Weiquanwang, January 30, 2018
Uyghur Muslim scholar dies in Chinese police custody
Radio Free Asia, January 29, 2018
Interview: “I lost all hope of surviving”
Radio Free Asia, January 30, 2018