“Hong Kong’s hero, Edward Leung” graffiti appears on second day of pro-independence activist’s trial
Hong Kong Free Press, February 23, 2018
Mystery “mainland tourist” disrupts Mong Kok riot trial by taking photos, prompting judge to issue warning and assure jury
South China Morning Post, February 23, 2018
中聯辦領導班子倡「5個看齊」:助香港同胞樹立正確國家觀 (Liaison Office calls Hongkongers to follow Xi Jinping, have “correct views of the country”)
HK01, February 23, 2018
李飛指自決就是港獨 「本質一樣」 (Li Fei, Chairman of the Basic Law Committee, claims self-determination and independence are “same in nature”)
Mingpaio, February 23, 2018
稱市民可自選是否搭高鐵 鄭若驊指沒把內地法強加於人 (Justice chief Teresa Cheng says Hongkongers are not forced to follow mainland laws, as they are free to choose whether to ride with high-speed train)
Mingpao, February 23, 2018
Pro-Beijing by-election candidate accuses rival of “smears” after ties to Henderson charity questioned
Hong Kong Free Press, February 23, 2018
Freedom of expression “under attack” in Hong Kong as democracy activists targeted: Report
Radio Free Asia, February 22, 2018
EN: https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/hongkong-amnesty-02222018124201.html
CH: https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao/renquanfazhi/cp-02222018103544.html
“Hong Kong royal family”: Confusion as official attends press event sporting Qing Dynasty garb
Hong Kong Free Press, February 22, 2018