余律师案情况通报: 许艳起诉澎湃新闻 (Xu Yan, wife of rights lawyer Yu Wensheng, sues The Paper for reporting fake news)
Weiquanwang, March 26, 2018
为获释访民接风洗尘 江苏10人以“寻衅滋事”被抓捕 (10 arrested in Jiangsu for welcoming out-of-prison petitioner)
Radio Free Asia, March 26, 2018
司法部召开部长办公会议 傅政华要求把习近平总书记的要求和人民的期待作为检验全系统工作的最高标准(Minister of Justice Fu Zhenghua: “Newly structured MOJ is first and foremost a political institution,” studying the important instructions of Xi Jinping should be top priority)
Legal Daily, March 26, 2018