佩佩豬突遭抖音封殺 網哀:我們懷念她 (Peppa Pig censored by Douyin, Chinese video platform)
TVBS, April 30, 2018
李克强让人民运用互联网大数据监督政府讲话遭删 (Li Keqiang’s comment on people monitoring government using Internet, big data censored in China)
Radio France Internationale, April 30, 2018
China’s state broadcaster backs Russian version of the Syrian crisis, saying chemical attacks were staged
Global Voices, April 28, 2018
广东省网信办等部门加强网络空间治理 积极查办违法违规案件 (Guangdong Internet and Informatization Office censors 6 million pieces of “harmful information,” shuts down 580,000 Internet accounts, takes down 700 apps in 2018)
China Cyberspace Administration, April 27, 2018