Children’s books with LGBTQ themes disappear from shelves at Hong Kong libraries amid pressure from anti-gay group
Hong Kong Free Press, June 20, 2018
【辱警罪】警協新主席林志偉爭取立法:保障香港警察尊嚴!(Junior Police Officers’ Association fights to criminalize insults of police officers)
HK01, June 19, 2018社會新聞/201052/辱警罪-警協新主席林志偉爭取立法-保障香港警察尊嚴
北大法律学者竟“指示”香港法院拒绝一地两检司法覆核 (Peking University law professor “instructs” Hong Kong courts to abstain from judicial review of co-location arrangement)
Radio France Internationale, June 19, 2018中国/20180619-北大法律学者竟指示香港法院拒绝一地两检司法覆核