The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Access to Information (信息公开)

政治压力增大微信加紧钳制颁发新八戒 (Rumored bans on posting information in eight categories spread in WeChat)
Radio France Internationale, July 31, 2018中国/20180731-政治压力大微信加紧钳制颁发新八戒

斗鱼:禁封主播陈一发儿直播间,对所有主播启动爱国主义教育 (Live streaming platform bans popular presenter, imposes patriotic education on all presenters)
The Paper, July 31, 2018

贵州独山一网民恶意诽谤当地精准扶贫工作,被行政拘留7日 (Netizen detained for 7 days for allegedly defaming local government on WeChat)
The Paper, July 31, 2018

全国性宗教团体共同倡议:在宗教活动场所升挂国旗 (Religious groups call for displaying national flag in religious gatherings)
Xinhua News, July 31, 2018

“信用交通”网站两年公布失信黑名单1326个 (Ministry of Transportation’s “credit” website has named 1326 who “lost trustworthiness” over past two years in transportation- related misconduct)
Legal Daily, July 30, 2018

海南检察机关立案4起英烈保护领域公益诉讼案 (Hainan procuratorate starts four heroes and martyrs protection suits)
Legal Daily, July 30, 2018