The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Government Accountability (政府问责)

地方官企业环保造假五大“花招”揭秘 (Xinhua on how Central Inspectorate uncovered five ways local authorities, companies fake environmental data)
Radio Free Asia, July 13, 2018

天津市委对8名市管干部不作为不担当问题严肃问责 (Eight Tianjin Party officials sanctioned for dereliction of duty)
The Paper, July 16, 2018

江苏一行使公权力人员微信收受索要“感谢费”617次 (Jiangsu official prosecuted for accepting, soliciting 617 WeChat “red packets”)
China News, July 15, 2018

广东省政协原常委蔡宗泽接受纪律审查和监察调查 (Former member of standing committee of Guangdong provincial political consultative conference under investigation for serious disciplinary and legal violations)
People's Daily, July 16, 2018

兰州市原市长栾克军受贿案将于7月19日开庭 (Public trial of former mayor of Lanzhou who accepted bribes scheduled for July 19)
Beijing News, July 16, 2018

广西柳州市原体育局局长涉嫌受贿受审 该系统多人被查 (Former director of municipal sports bureau of Liuzhou, Guangxi goes on trial for accepting bribes)
China News Service, July 16, 2018

陕西一新城管委会原主任被控受贿两千万受审,曾被指雁过拔毛 (Former director of Shaanxi new city management committee tried for accepting bribes of 20 million)
The Paper, July 16, 2018

甘肃武威市委原书记火荣贵涉严重违纪违法被查 (Former municipal Party committee secretary in Gansu under investigation for serious disciplinary and legal violations)
People's Daily, July 13, 2018