美国政界、人权组织和活动人士谴责中国当局扣押VOA记者 (VOA reporters freed after hours-long detention by Chinese authorities)
Voice of America, August 13, 2018
EN: https://www.voanews.com/a/voa-reporters-freed-after-hours-long-detention-by-chinese-authorities-/4526885.html
CH: https://www.voachinese.com/a/reactions-to-yebing-detention-20180813/4526989.html
原始视频实录: VOA记者济南采访时被强行带走始末 (Raw footage: VOA reporter forcibly taken away during interview with retired Shandong University professor in Jinan)
Voice of America, August 14, 2018
广电总局对“快手”、“今日头条”系APP作出警告和罚款 (State Administration of Radio and Television warns and fines Kuaishou, Jinri Toutiao apps)
Beijing News, August 14, 2018