被指不实信息 疫苗家长公布受害者名单 (In China, parents of vaccine-sickened children call for answers)
Radio Free Asia, August 7, 2018
CH: https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yataibaodao/huanjing/gf1-08072018101811.html
EN: https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/vaccine-parents-08072018151909.html
中國寧夏清真寺被勒令清拆 引發穆斯林上街維權 (Muslims take to streets in Ningxia as mosque faces demolition order)
The Stand News, August 8, 2018
贫困县回民集血汗钱建寺 官方一句非法下令强拆 (Mosque built with civilian funding faces demolishment order as government claims building to be “unauthorized construction”)
Voice of America, August 8, 2018
广西公布一批涉嫌非法社会组织,“老乡会”等一律不予审批 (Guangxi declares villagers associations and chambers of commerce illegal, criticized for “wasteful socializing” and networking, successful registrations limited to alumni associations of prestigious universities)
The Paper, August 8, 2018
Tibet’s Lithang horse race festival reopens after 10-year ban
Radio Free Asia, August 7, 2018
广西爆发警民冲突 公安射塑弹镇压 (Guangxi police shoot rubber bullets at villagers during conflict)
Radio Free Asia, August 8, 2018
火车站严查乘客手机围堵P2P投资人 (Public security sets up cell phone checkpoints at all transportation hubs, prevent P2P investment victims from petitioning in Beijing)
Radio Free Asia, August 8, 2018