The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Government Accountability (政府问责)

外媒:美国防授权法对美大学申请汉语项目设限 (New policy bars universities from using Pentagon funding for Confucius Institutes-related programs)
Sina News, August 16, 2018

Pentagon barred from funding Confucius Institutes on American campuses
Washington Post, August 15, 2018

Local experiments with reform are becoming rarer under Xi Jinping
The Economist, August 18, 2018

China suggests its camps for Uighurs are just vocational schools
The Economist, August 18, 2018

China dismisses vice governor, others over defective vaccines
The Wall Street Journal, August 16, 2018

政治局常委会听取长春长生问题疫苗案件汇报 多名省部级官员被处理 (Politburo Standing Committee reports on Changsheng vaccine case, several provincial and ministerial officials dismissed or ordered to resign)
Beijing News, August 16, 2018

湖南省委原常委、宣传部原部长张文雄受贿、巨额财产来源不明案一审宣判 (Former party committee member and propaganda department head in Hunan sentenced to 15 years in prison for bribery involving vast sums)
People’s Daily, August 16, 2018

原国家食品药品监督管理总局党组成员、副局长吴浈涉嫌严重违纪违法接受中央纪委国家监委纪律审查和监察调查 (Former deputy director of China Food and Drug Administration and party committee member investigated for serious disciplinary, legal violations)
People's Daily, August 16, 2018