人权组织:文革再现新疆,将失去一代学者 (Scholars at Risk: Tactics in Xinjiang revive Cultural Revolution)
Voice of America, October 25, 2018
Free to Think 2018
Scholars at Risk, October 23, 2018
運營資格被凍結後,全球最大遊戲市場試圖「絕地求生」(World's biggest gaming market struggles for survival as Beijing cuts off video game licensing and tightens censorship)
The Initium, October 25, 2018
Beijing cuts off gaming licenses’ channel
The Standard, October 25, 2018
Two Chinese cities and legions of police disguised as “dancing aunties” and students on alert for presidential visit
South China Morning Post, October 24, 2018
写小说影射伊利集团?媒体人被跨省抓判 (Media veteran sentenced to 8 months imprisonment for writing online fiction that alludes to case of fugitive chief of Inner Mongolian dairy enterprise)
Radio Free Asia, October 24, 2018
Exclusive: Chinese state media journalist charged with assault by UK police following slapping incident
Hong Kong Free Press, October 24, 2018
Translation: Big Brother is watching Big Brother
China Digital Times, October 24, 2018