Leaked transcript of private meeting contradicts Google’s official story on China
The Intercept, October 9, 2018
谷歌内部资料泄露更多“中国计划”细节 (Leaked Google internal records reveal more details on China project)
BBC News, October 10, 2018
Huawei unveils chips to boost cloud computing at Shanghai conference
Sina English, October 10, 2018
China chip hack report will push U.S.-based vendors to rethink supply chain security, research firm IDC says
South China Morning Post, October 11, 2018
【施政報告2018】「智慧監獄」監控囚犯 懲教署、海關設面部識別 (Hong Kong to introduce “smart prison” surveillance technologies including biometrics, vitals, facial recognition)
HK01, October 10, 2018