Statement: Free Expression Week “Badiucao” art exhibition
Hong Kong Free Press, November 2, 2018
Apple censors sensitive names and phrases from gadget engraving offer on Hong Kong and China websites
Hong Kong Free Press, November 2, 2018
上海网信办重拳整治自媒体乱象,依法处理19个违规微信公号 (Shanghai CAC suspends and shuts down 19 Weixin public accounts over “illegal content”)
The Paper, November 1, 2018
As China tightens its grip on Hong Kong, Taiwan emerges as Asia’s hub for foreign media
The Splice Newsroom, November 1, 2018
【南京大屠殺】南京立法要求民眾默哀 禁否認大屠殺歷史 (New law makes moment of silence for Nanjing massacre mandatory, bans speech that “injures feelings” of the people, dignity of the state)
The Stand News, November 1, 2018