湖南塵肺工人舉村深圳維權:我們不是拿命來拼,而是無命可拼 (A village of Hunan silicosis workers: we’re not fighting with our lives, we have no lives left to fight)
The Initium, November 10, 2018
Young activists go missing in China, raising fears of crackdown
The New York Times, November 12, 2018
Police “kidnap” 10 labour activists across China: Rights group
Agence France-Presse, November 11, 2018聲援佳士北大學生 疑遭黑衣人擄走 聲援團稱十多人被「綁架」(Jiashi student supporters attacked and kidnapped on campus in Beijing University, others taken from their homes)
The Stand News, November 11, 2018
流亡藏人哀悼及声援最新自焚者 (Exiled Tibetans mourn latest self-immolation)
Radio Free Asia, November 9, 2018
Coastal villagers count the cost of southeast China toxic chemical spill
South China Morning Post, November 11, 2018
The road ahead for China’s trade unions
China Labour Bulletin, November 8, 2018