【專訪 Pussy Riot ‧ 上】挑戰普京威權 成員遭毒害 「縱然恐懼,我們仍要為俄羅斯奮鬥」(Interview with Pussy Riot (1) in HK: “Even though we are scared, we will still fight for Russia”)
The Stand News, November 1, 2018
Interview: “I did not believe I would leave prison in China alive”
Radio Free Asia, November 1, 2018
It could be goodbye to the banks if WeChat takes over the world
The Sydney Morning Herald, November 1, 2018
What significance does China’s updated court law have?
Supreme People’s Court Monitor, November 1, 2018
The common goal of Donald Trump and Xi Jinping: “Drain The Swamp”
The Diplomat, November 1, 2018