一項暴動罪今重審 梁天琦向支持者報以「韓式心心」 (Edward Leung attends re-trial of one count of rioting)
The Stand News, November 8, 2018
香港团体指国际关注香港人权状况恶化 (Hong Kong groups say international community is concerned with Hong Kong’s deteriorating human rights condition)
Voice of America, November 8, 2018
Chinese exiled writer Ma Jian says Tai Kwun art space cancelled his talks at Hong Kong International Literary Festival
Hong Kong Free Press, November 8, 2018
有還押人士稱懲教院所衛生惡劣 需穿舊鞋及沒全新內衣 (Concern group calls for awareness on sanitary conditions in Reception Centres for remanded detainees)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 7, 2018