U.S. congressional panel assails China for “severe religious freedom violations” for detaining Christians and closing churches
South China Morning Post, December 20, 2018
中国宗教寒冬 美议员:习近平打压宗教造成人类毁灭性灾难 (Bitter winter for religion in China: U.S. congressmen say Xi’s crackdown on religious freedom is “taking a devastating human toll”)
Voice of America, December 20, 2018
梵蒂冈认可的中国主教被让位给爱国会主教 (Vatican-accredited bishop forced to retire, seat will pass to China-approved replacement)
Voice of America, December 19, 2018
Third Canadian citizen has been detained in China, Global Affairs Canada confirms
National Post, December 19, 2018
孟晚舟事件后 第三名在华加拿大公民被拘 (Third Canadian citizen detained in China after Meng’s arrest)
BBC News, December 19, 2018A defiant Canada is trolling China with Liu Xiaobo’s legacy
Quartz, December 19, 2018
China’s growing footprint in Latin America
China File, December 19, 2018