百度现象折射中国互联网:牢笼又是丛林 (Baidu as a reflection of China’s Internet: A cage, but also a jungle)
BBC News, January 25, 2019
【專訪】穆達偉 因做功課被大陸驅逐出境的德國人 (Interview with David Missal, German student kicked out of China for his research project)
The Stand News, January 24, 2019
China: Secret detention places writer at risk of torture
Amnesty International, January 24, 2019
The Chinese Communist Party always needs an enemy
Foreign Policy, January 24, 2019
What does Xi want from Taiwan? (And what can Taiwan do about it?)
ChinaFile, January 24, 2019
China’s media forecast is bleak and stormy
Foreign Policy, January 24, 2019