中国宣布新教育计划,加强推广孔子学院 (Xi announces new education “modernization” plans, stronger push on Confucius Institutes)
Voice of America, February 24, 2019
China’s about-face on education
China Media Project, February 24, 2019《中国教育现代化2035》强调党的领导 (“Modernization of China Education 2035” stresses Party leadership in schools)
Voice of America, February 24, 2019
西藏、六四、習近平都不可說,中國新一波海外出版「敏感詞」出爐 (Tibet, June 4, Xi Jinping: Censorship list for foreign publishers who print in China)
The News Lens, February 24, 2019
Chinese government censors ruling lines through Australian books
Sydney Morning Herald, February 23, 2019
恐怖游戏含政治暗语 台湾《还愿》成众矢之的 (Popular Taiwanese horror game “Devotion” censored in China for political “hints” at Xi)
Deutsche Welle, February February 23, 2019
Comparison of Winnie the Pooh with Xi Jinping too much for China gamers to bear
Hong Kong Free Press, February 24, 2019
As China tightens its grip on Hong Kong, Taiwan emerges as Asia’s hub for foreign media
Hong Kong Free Press, February 23, 2019
忧官逼民反? 中国教科书删陈胜吴广 (Well-known Qin Dynasty uprising deleted from Chinese textbooks)
Radio Free Asia, February 22, 2019