Taiwan gov’t approves draft same-sex marriage bill following referendum
Hong Kong Free Press, February 21, 2019
Taiwan: Draft law to allow same-sex marriage is a huge step forward for human rights
Amnesty International, February 21, 2019
High tech used to detect rogue police
Global Times, February 21, 2019
Guideline to enhance security on campuses
China News Service, February 21, 2019
Amid trouble with the West, Saudi Arabia looks East
The New York Times, February 21, 2019
九部门:不得将限制生育作为录用女职工的条件 (Nine ministries issue notice banning gender discrimination during hiring process)
Xinhua, February 21, 2019
傅政华:司法行政机关要建立领导干部直接听取批评意见机制 (Minister of Justice Fu Zhenghua: Judicial administrative organs must establish system for leaders and cadres to directly listen to criticisms from the public)
The Paper, February 21, 2019
湖南3名省管党员领导干部被开除党籍 (Xie Jin, head of Tianxin District in Changsha punished by discipline committee for buying books from overseas “smearing Party and state leaders”)
People’s Daily, February 21, 2019