Tibetan set to become world’s longest-serving political prisoner
Voice of America, March 21, 2019
Police detain labor activist Wei Zhili in southern China, wife says
Agence France-Presse, March 21, 2019
王全璋处境未明 家属往最高院申诉 (As Wang Quanzhang’s status remains unknown, wife Li Wenzu and other 709 families protest at Supreme People’s Court )
Radio Free Asia, March 21, 2019
张军在全国检察机关学习贯彻全国两会精神电视电话会议上强调 把以人民为中心融入每一项检察工作中 (Supreme People’s Court urges “people-centered” trials, strengthened news and public opinion work by procuratorates)
Legal Daily, March 22, 2019