China-funded Confucius Institutes belong on foreign influence register
Sydney Morning Herald, March 26, 2019
中共統戰下的國民黨困境,以及「完美棋子」韓國瑜 (Han Kuoyu as “the perfect pawn”: The plight of Taiwan’s Kuomintang under CPC’s United Front work)
The News Lens, March 26, 2019
清华大学教授许章润的遭遇揭示了什么?(What does the reprisal on Tsinghua University professor Xu Zhangrun tell us?)
Radio Free Asia, March 26, 2019
讀者來函:表演慾望過剩的藏族社會 (The culturally silent community in the Internet age: When Tibetan culture meets China’s populism)
The Initium, March 26, 2019