放开放宽城市落户限制 加快消除城乡户籍壁垒 都市圈发展催生新型户籍制度改革 (Urbanization is catalyst for hukou reform: New guiding opinion urges relaxation of relocation restrictions to facilitate flow of people)
Legal Daily, March 25, 2019
China pledges openness in hopes of reaching a trade deal
The New York Times, March 24, 2019
當義大利向「一帶一路」低頭,中資帶來的會是期待還是傷害? (As Italy bows down to BRI, would Chinese investments bring hope or harm?)
The News Lens, March 25, 2019
Macron, Merkel and Juncker to meet China’s Xi on Tuesday
Euroactiv, March 22, 2019
U.S. imposes sanctions on Chinese companies for helping North Korea
Al Jazeera, March 22, 2019
China chemical plant blast kills 62; Xi orders probe
Reuters, March 22, 2019
The day after the “3-21” devastating Yancheng explosion: 47 dead, 640 injured
What’s On Weibo, March 22, 2019
韓國瑜訪澳門再會「中聯辦」高層,學者憂北京在建立台灣「代理人」(Kaohsiung mayor’s visits to mainland liaison offices in Hong Kong, Macau spark concern of Beijing’s move to establish “agent” in Taiwan)
The News Lens, March 24, 2019