【逃犯條例】批建議損台灣人安全 台陸委會:倘修例 或對港發旅遊警示 (Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council says it might issue travel warning for Hong Kong if proposed extradition law amendments go through)
The Stand News, March 25, 2019
Hong Kong’s plan to allow extraditions to mainland China and Taiwan likely to be uneven, scholars say
South China Morning Post, March 25, 2019
涉立會內搶行政主任手機案開審 許智峯否認控罪 (Trial begins for democrat Ted Hui’s phone-grabbing case, Hui denies all charges)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 25, 2019
Hong Kong’s former chief secretary Anson Chan says leaders need to do a better job assuring world that city remains autonomous
South China Morning Post, March 24, 2019
Hong Kong’s former No. 2 Anson Chan meets Mike Pence in Washington as U.S. report criticises Beijing “intervention” in city’s affairs
South China Morning Post, March 23, 2019
【暴動罪重審】德國會人權主席:裁決無改中國極權事實 港人展巨大勇氣承擔 (Gyde Jensen, head of German Parliament’s Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid, says judgment in Edward Leung riot case does not change the fact of Chinese dictatorship)
The Stand News, March 24, 2019