As the US ramps up accusations, China stops appealing to “the feelings” of its people and gets to work on alliances
South China Morning Post, April 30, 2019
【專訪】從六四到佳士 社會學者潘毅的鬥爭 (Interview: From June 4 to Jasic— the fight of sociologist Pan Yi)
The Stand News, April 30, 2019
以「煽惑」作檢控的幽暗意圖 (The darker intentions behind using “incitement” to prosecute Umbrella Movement activists)
The Stand News, April 29, 2019
王菁:從紐西蘭慘案到斯里蘭卡爆炸,中國的仇穆情緒從何而來?(From New Zealand to Sri Lanka, where did China’s anti-Muslim sentiment come from?)
The Initium, April 29, 2019